What is cold brew?

We’re excited to add cold brew to our product offering at Sang Lee Farms! We drop our first delivery this Saturday June 18th along with an infusion of bread for their farm stand customers. So what is cold brew anyway? It’s slow steeped coffee that uses time instead of heat to extract flavor and caffeine from the coffee bean. We brew ours at ambient room temperature for 22 hours. This “low and slow” process leaves the acidity and bitter flavors behind in the bean, and produces a smoother brew. While brewed as a concentrate, we will deliver our “ready to drink” strength to Sang Lee for easy grab and go refreshment. We use our High Tide Espresso beans for the cold brew, our dark and chocolatey blend that was inspired by our time in the Pacific Northwest.

How to store artisan bread

We recommend storing artisan bread cut-side down on a wooden cutting board. This type of bread needs to breathe. The crust alone keeps the inside balanced, so simply placing the open side against a natural surface will keep the bread fresh for 3-4 days. Keeping this balance in the bread’s moisture level is why we use minimal paper packaging, never plastic.

Event Schedule


We’re participating in a wellness workshop series where we will be talking about fermentation on Saturday August 13th. The event, Mind Body Soul, is hosted by the Peconic Land Trust. Join us as we dive deep into some exciting topics with other artisans and practitioners. Sign ups are currently open.

Have a great weekend!


Ana and Brett


Frozen cinnamon rolls, Shelter Island pop up and more


Thoughts and big feelings