Coffee Buzz

We hope you are enjoying the holiday season this December, and taking time to slow down a bit in winter.

We had the exciting opportunity to partner with LUMBER + Salt on their coffee bar in Jamesport starting the week of Thanksgiving. Our coffee beans are now brewed into a full range of espresso drinks right here in Jamesport. The coffee bar is open 9am-4pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday at LUMBER + Salt, 5570 Sound Ave in Jamesport.

This completes an important part of our origin story which is that we began roasting coffee when we couldn’t find the kind of brew we were looking for close to home.

The North Forker wrote a short piece about the coffee bar here.

The coffee bar also has an amazing apothecary and tea selection from our Jamesport neighbor the Herb Loft. The herbs and teas are certified organic and grown right here in Jamesport at Herricks Lane Farm.

And what about sourdough, you might be wondering? Starting in January we will focus on coffee. We may in fact change our name to reflect that. Sourdough may make a reappearance from time to time for special events but we find the coffee more compatible with family life (every parent needs coffee, right?).

From our family to yours, we wish you a wonderful holiday season!


Ana, Brett and family

photo credits: Brooke Mazur for all except these sweet chicken friends


Sourdough and coffee for July 4th weekend